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5 Best and Must Have Cleaning Tools and Equipment at Home

5 Best and Must Have Cleaning Tools and Equipment at Home

Experts have collaborated to answer our question: What are the best Cleaning Tools and Equipment at home?

You may have tried a lot of materials available at the store or online, different methods and different techniques in cleaning your place. On some occasions it seems that some work and some don’t. Below are the cleaning materials that are a must-have on every home.


5 Best and Must-Have Cleaning Tools and Equipment at Home 

  1. Vacuum
  2. Spray bottle
  3. Wash Cloth (Basahan)
  4. Mop (rotary or scrubber)
  5. Dishwashing Liquid

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You would always want dust and dirt to be collected on one area, or in a bag, so that they do not fly off to other spaces in your home. A vacuum cleaner not only does this, but also makes cleaning easier and faster. Experts recommend those with a blower function so you could use it as a dryer as well.

There are even specialized vacuum cleaners that help clean the air while cleaning your floor. Hydrovacuum cleaners have been in the market for some time already and they do provide more features than the regular ones. What experts love most about hydrovacs is adding oil essences in the water basin to provide fragrant clean air around the area.


Where to buy: Department store, Mall Hardware store



One of the greatest innovations in housekeeping is the mop. You can find different mops with different mop heads and handles, but experts recommend rotary or scrubber mops. They are self drying and self cleaning, which makes mopping easier and faster. You should have any one of this mop types to help you clean up spills and wash floors.

Where to buy: Department Store, Mall hardware, Lazada



Though any washcloth can do, it is better to get the best “Basahan” out there. If you can find the ones that they use for car wash that can absorb more water, the better. One of the basics, and probably the majority of tasks, in a house cleaning is wiping down surfaces, so having different wash clothes for each area of the house is ideal.

Washclothes come in different colors. This can help you identifying which part of the house you use it by designating a color. For example, you can use yellow on kitchen surfaces, green on table tops, blue on bathroom walls, and so on.

Where to buy: Grocery/supermarket, Automotive shops, Lazada



One of the great trends and concepts in the 21st century is minimalism, and that includes housekeeping. Say goodbye to large pails and buckets and use pre mixed cleaning liquids stored in spray bottles instead. Pre mix your dishwashing liquid, toilet bowl cleaners, all purpose cleaners, disinfectant, and bleach into spray bottles and they are now ready to use 24/7. 

One of the benefits of using a spray bottle instead of dippers is the ease of dispersing water and cleaners with just a twist of the adjustment nozzle. It also lets you control your liquid cleaning products’ consumption by pre mixing the right amount with water in a bottle.

Where to buy: Grocery/supermarket, Lazada



What do All purpose cleaners, car wash shampoo, and dishwashing liquid have in common? Surfactant. All of them have surfactants, only in different concentration. You can have all the benefits by just buying dishwashing liquid because you can use it from cleaning the dishes up to cleaning your toilet.

The secret to using surfactants like dishwashing liquid is soaking the surface with a mixture of surfactant and water. Soaking helps the surfactant loosen up more dirt and oil, making cleaning easier. Longer soaking time means you will be scrubbing less.

Where to buy: Grocery/supermarket


Do you want to learn more on how CMDA Cleaning Services can help you, your family, or your office fight against COVID-19? Send us an email at inquiry@cmdacleaning.com, or call/text us on any number mentioned above.

Let’s all be well and healthy, wear a face mask, wash our hands frequently, maintain a 1-2 meter physical distance to non-family members, and stay at home if we can. Stay covid-free!

Post Renovation Cleaning Tips

Post Renovation Cleaning Tips

Doing a post Renovation Cleaning can help you appreciate your place more after a general home or office make over. Part of that slight dissatisfaction that you feel after a renovation, even after spending a lot, is basically due lack of a proper post-renovation cleaning. This is practically normal in most cases as construction contractors are experts in building and construction, but not in general deep cleaning. So to avoid frustration and lashing out at the contractors, check out our post renovation cleaning tips below:


Schedule your post renovation cleaning on the actual last day of construction


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If you are going to do your post-renovation cleaning days prior, chances are, you will not appreciate the cleaning as contractors and their crew will keep on walking around doing the finishing touches. Dust and dirt will just keep on moving from one place to another. You will also be paying more for the cleaning since they will be re-doing the cleaning for several days.

Doing your post renovation days after the last day would make you and the construction contractors miss opportunities to fix construction related issues like paint drops on floors, which, the contractor could easily clean since they would always have a paint remover with them. Other issues like hardened cement drops on places where there shouldn’t be, can be a challenge for the cleaning company, but easy for the contractors. Some construction defects can only be seen after cleaning, so having these 2 spaced out even just by a day will spell trouble for you.

Having your post-renovation cleaning right on the last day is like attending an orchestra, 2 different expert companies, different people with different skills, all working together to produce a work of art – your home or office.

Have a project buddy

Having a project buddy takes off a huge burden on you. Divide the tasks and progress of your renovation with a project body, up to the post construction cleaning to ensure that every aspect of it is attended to. Not only is this efficient, this would also help you enhance your project and provide a third perspective regarding how your renovation would look like.

Sometimes your ideas may not be the best for the place, sometimes the ideas of the contractor does not fall under your preferences, but having a project buddy gives you a third set of eye to check if the colors and concepts are balanced. Your project buddy can also speak in your behalf while you are busy with earning the money for the whole project.

Hire the right people, get the right equipment

You have to admit to yourself that you cannot do the post-renovation cleaning by yourself, or only by one person, much more hiring people without the right skills. A lack of skilled workers plague the service industry, even in construction and houskeeping and cleaning. Similar to when you first started with the renovation, consult an expert in post-renovation cleaning. This will ensure that your place are free of dust and post renovation odors such as paint.

Having the right equipment plays a huge role as well. Having a broom and dustpan will only transfer the dust all over. Having the wrong mop would make your floor dirtier. Having the wrong cleaning chemicals may damage your wooden floor, bathroom tiles or walls.

Creating the optimal atmosphere for the occupants

Basically, a post renovation cleaning is enhancing the place to ensure that the health and safety of the immediate occupants are taken into consideration. Kids and people with respiratory problems cannot immediately move in as paint odor, saw dust and concrete powder may still linger all over the place. Employees may experience respiratory problems if the same concerns are present in the newly renovated office. Several issues and factors may arise if a post renovation cleaning is not done, and most especially if not done by a professional.


If you are having a home under renovation, an office being renovated or even an entire building newly constructed, call an expert in post-renovation cleaning like CMDA Cleaning Services.

Do you want to learn more on how CMDA Cleaning Services can help you, your family, or your office fight against COVID-19? Send us an email at inquiry@cmdacleaning.com, or call/text us on any number mentioned above.

Let’s all be well and healthy, wear a face mask, wash our hands frequently, maintain a 1-2 meter physical distance to non-family members, and stay at home if we can. Stay covid-free!

5 Reasons Why Choosing Cheap Disinfection Service Can Be Dangerous

5 Reasons Why Choosing Cheap Disinfection Service Can Be Dangerous

This pandemic has boosted the housekeeping and cleaning industry, with cleaning and disinfection service providers sprouting one after another. While it has given a healthy competition in this industry, and more options for consumers, there is a hidden danger in the emergence of cheap disinfection services. One that not all customers know about, or probably refuse to accept because of the cost, only to compromise the health and safety of their family, colleagues and employees.


5 Dangers of getting the wrong / low cost disinfection service

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 Prior to this pandemic, only a handful of companies and professionals carry out disinfection services. Training are only made by professionals who specialize in this field and would require intensive training and theoretical learning. Now, almost anyone can clean and disinfect but does not have to skills to properly and completely do it – let alone know what is the difference between disinfection and sterilization. 

Here at CMDA Cleaning Services, we are practicing and executing all the knowledge we have incurred in our Cleaning and Infection Control in General Facilities training under the Cleaning Masterclass from the United Kingdom (UK). We know what principles are needed to execute a proper cleaning and disinfection in any given area and situation.


Common chemical disinfectant resources found in social media and the internet are “minimum” standard for disinfection, such as bleach and chlorine, however, this is not the best available disinfectant available in the market. There are other disinfectants that have been proven to kill the coronavirus on surfaces even way back on the first SARS outbreak back in 2002 like Quaternary Ammonium Chloride chemicals. They are backed by years of studies and have demonstrated better efficiency compared to other compounds, and on the plus side, more friendly to those with respiratory problems.

CMDA Cleaning Services uses Lauryl Dimethyl Benzyl Ammonium Chloride for disinfection. A quaternary ammonium chloride compound that is FDA and US CDC approved, used by Hong Kong and China to fight both SARS-1 and SARS-2 (NCOV) and have successfully won.


Not all disinfection methods are effective in killing the coronavirus, and not all disinfection method can protect you against future possible surface contamination. Most common methods are wiping down surfaces, spray, ultra low volume spray, and fumigation. The drawback against these methods are mainly because they work against physics (gravity and surface tension) and biology. These methods do not cover all surfaces that can be a potential point of contamination or worse, breeding ground of other organisms. 

Though we also offer these methods, we highly recommend Electrostatic disinfection which is highly effective in covering a wider area. This type of disinfection electrically charge the disinfectant, turning it into a magnet and attaching immediately to surfaces, including viruses. It also keeps the surface moist to ensure that the chemical disinfectant attaches and interacts with the virus (which loves moisture).

“Studies have shown that COVID-19 reinfections (getting covid twice or more) were due to false sense of confidence due to built immunity, disregarding minimum safety protocols and poor disinfection”


It seems that history repeats itself, that everytime the world enters into a great depression, lay-offs and unemployment rise. With no jobs available, laid off workers will look for other jobs even if the salary is not enough, and in our current situation, this is no exception. Since the rise of disinfection service companies, competition is stiff, and the lowest bidder (rates) would almost always win. You may have disinfected your place but you might want to consider the lives of the people behind the service. Support good business practices and just labor. 

Here at CMDA, part of our COVID-19 response include keeping our employees’ wages as it is, provide them with a clean and humane place to live in, and to provide them with safe means of transportation to our clients and back to the office and staff house. Our success is partly due to them, and so we ensure that they are well commensurated beyond what the labor code provide.


Most cheap disinfection service providers have just opened shop this year, with zero experience and training. As the saying goes “you pay peanuts, you get monkeys”. 

CMDA Cleaning Services has been providing quality service for over 8 years and professionalism is one of our core values including continuous learning and training to ensure that the service we provide are up to date with the latest world class standards.

Do you want to learn more on how CMDA Cleaning Services can help you, your family, or your office fight against COVID-19? Send us an email at inquiry@cmdacleaning.com, or call/text us on any number mentioned above.

Let’s all be well and healthy, wear a face mask, wash our hands frequently, maintain a 1-2 meter physical distance to non-family members, and stay at home if we can. Stay covid-free!

Best Cleaning Tools in 2020 and 2021

Best Cleaning Tools in 2020 and 2021

With the current pandemic and the quarantine rules, we all got into cleaning and disinfecting our homes thoroughly, looking for tips on how to clean our pinoy homes, and looking into the best cleaning tools available in the market. For those who are not familiar with the cleaning and housekeeping industry, it would be quite overwhelming seeing all these products for cleaning and looking for the best of the best for each. So we have curated below the best cleaning tools to have and keep this 2020 and on 2021.

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Best Cleaning Tools

Hydro vacuum (2020 – 2021)

Not all vacuum cleaners are created equal, especially hydrovacs. They come in commercial brands like Hyla, Rainbow and Sirena. Hydro vacuums are unique in such a way that it cleans the air as well while cleaning floors and carpets. It can double as an air purifier during a home cleaning and office cleaning services.

For those who are concerned with airborne diseases from bacteria and viruses like in this pandemic, this cleaning tool is one of the best to invest on. It only covers a certain effective area so you might need multiple hydrovacs in place or letting it operate for a longer period of time. Hotels have been using these vacuums even before the pandemic and we would see the rise in demand for this kind of vacuum in 2021 as health protocols in the new normal would require better surface and air sanitation.

Price range: P60,000 – P150,000

where to buy: Lazada

Rotary Mop (2020)

The mop has evolved from the fixed cloth head, to the replacable cloth head, and now the self rotating and drying rotating mop. It has been available for almost a decade already and more and more offices, restaurants and home are using this mainly because of ease of use and easy access to its parts and replacements. It is very cheap as well, you can get a set for only P450 on sale.

The only drawback of this product is that, since it is cheap, most of the material used are cheap, thin plastic. We have tried using this and over time there are cases that the rotary scrubber and drier breaks, the basin itself easily breaks, the handle mechanism gets stuck up and plastic locks breaking among the few. There is still a big room for improvement in mop design and technology, hopefully by 2021 things would be more promising in this part of housekeeping (like this rectangular mop).

Price range: P450 – P1,100

where to buy: Lazada

Disinfection Spray and Atomizers  (2020 – 2021)

This pandemic has gotten us disinfecting surfaces like nuts! From santizing our hands to spraying surfaces with bleach and disinfectant. Lucky for us, there are already products and devices available even prior to this crisis. From mini nano spray, to large handheld disinfectant atomizer.

Getting one for daily use is a must, but always remember that the key to a better disinfection is taking note of the coverage area a device can disperse, not just on surfaces you can see but also on surfaces that you can’t, like the Electrostatic disinfection service that we provide that utilizes electrostatic technology – charging the disinfectant to stick to hard to reach and hard to cover areas. 

Price range: P95 – P3,000

where to buy: Lazada

Swiffer  (2020 – 2021)

Some of us Filipinos are not blessed with height, hence we need tools to help us reach (and clean) high places. Thanfully, Swiffer is here (and has been for quite some time already). Swiffer is not entirely new, but less common since it is only available in select mall based hardware store, supermarket and S&R. It’s also an American brand and not commonly used by the usual household, but it helps a lot when cleaning the ceiling and top parts of walls.

Price range: P950 – P2,000

where to buy: S&R, Handyman, ACE Hardware

Do you want to learn more on how CMDA Cleaning Services can help you, your family, or your office fight against COVID-19? Send us an email at inquiry@cmdacleaning.com, or call/text us on any number mentioned above.

Let’s all be well and healthy, wear a face mask, wash our hands frequently, maintain a 1-2 meter physical distance to non-family members, and stay at home if we can. Stay covid-free!

Home Cleaning Tip: Bed Mattress Cleaning

Home Cleaning Tip: Bed Mattress Cleaning

Complement your home cleaning with these easy to follow bed mattress cleaning steps. Getting you mattress cleaned and smelling fresh again is quite challenging, especially if you don’t know the steps to do it and you don’t have the equipment to clean it. These steps can be easily followed and can be done right on top of your bed frame. Bed mattresses have been with us for 77,000 years already, and cleaning them has been a challenge since then.

What you need for your Bed Mattress Cleaning

  • Vacuum (with dryer)
  • Sponge (Scotchbrite)
  • Liquid detergent
  • Bleach / Color safe bleach

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Step 1: Remove Cover and dust

Remove your bed mattress’ cover, and anything that wraps around it until you are just left with the foam or the case. At this point, put your bed on its side and pat it to physically remove loose dirt and dust. This would also make the cleaning process a bit easier.

Step 2: Vacuum

Vacuum your bed to get the dirt stuck in the middle of the foam or spring. Some stains can already be removed from here already. Vacuum both sides and the lateral sides of your bed.


(It is easier to clean mattresses in its bare state with a lot of room around to work on)

Step 3: Soaping/Shampooing

Mix 5 mL of liquid detergent in 5 liter water. Mix it thoroughly until a lot of suds are produced. Using your sponge, use this mix to scrub your bed mattress. Make sure to scrub your whole bed.

Step 4: Stain removing

Mix a few drops of bleach in your liquid detergent mix and use it to scrub off stains that were not removed from the initial mix. Repeat this step if necessary.

Step 5: Drying

Once you are satisfied with the scrubbing, vacuum your bed to get the suds and water that seeped through the mattress. Once your bed feels like it is already drip dried, use your vacuum’s blower function and dry your mattress further.

(Some mattress stains are sometimes due to spilled liquid on the bed or the owner’s own sweat accumulating through the years)

It is highly suggested that you clean your mattress every 3 months to ensure that they stay fresh, clean and free of bed bugs. If you think cleaning your bed seem to be challenging, we do bed shampoo service for all sizes of beds and mattresses. Contact us on how we can have your bed mattress cleaning done today!

Do you want to learn more on how CMDA Cleaning Services can help you, your family, or your office fight against COVID-19? Send us an email at inquiry@cmdacleaning.com, or call/text us on any number mentioned above.

Let’s all be well and healthy, wear a face mask, wash our hands frequently, maintain a 1-2 meter physical distance to non-family members, and stay at home if we can. Stay covid-free!