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Do In-House Office Cleaner Need Housekeeping Training?

Do In-House Office Cleaner Need Housekeeping Training?

The short answer: YES. 

The office environment is a dynamic space that changes along with the current local and global health situations. Your office cleaner should be equipped with ways on how to help keep all employees healthy and safe, not just with vacuuming floors wiping surfaces. 

Your office cleaners may have been directly hired or through a cleaning agency, and they may be equipped with the basics of cleaning, using a vacuum and a few cleaning tools and materials. Do a quick survey with them and ask: How often do they update their knowledge in cleaning? Do they help prevent infectious diseases that can come in contact with the office water, air and surfaces? Are they ready for the next housekeeping and health concern?

If the feedback you get from them is “never” or “rarely”, then you might not be getting the full potential of your office cleaners. They are supposed to be one of your frontliners when it comes to preventing office accidents and health concerns.

Housekeeping ain’t no joke.” 

– Louisa May Alcott


There are new cleaning products and equipment available in the market right now that can help clean your office better and faster. If your office cleaners are not updated with using them, chances are, they are using more time in one section of your office, or, your office is not entirely clean at all.

There are cleaning agents that work better now compared to your cleaning powder years ago. With the right technique, your office cleaners can clean surfaces faster. There are vacuum cleaners that could clean the air as well. 

Cleaning and Organizing is a PRACTICE, not a Project.

- Meagan Francis


Have you noticed that, in every health crisis scenario in an office or building, whether it is real or in the movies, office cleaners are the first to leave the scene. Why? Because of fear and worry that if they get sick, no one will compensate for their loss of income and hospitalization. However, if they were equipped with Infectious Disease Management, they would know what to do to prevent it: Always wear a face mask and gloves. If it is airborne, switch on air filters. If it is water borne, disinfect and dry surfaces, and so on.


Regardless of compensation arrangements, if your cleaners know how to prevent these diseases, they will become your allies in keeping your employees safe and healthy.


Apart from lifestyle diseases and infectious diseases, office accidents contribute to a number of reasons why employees are unable to perform well at work. A slip here due to water, a trip there due to debris, asthma due to molds, and a lot more. Cleaning just for the sake of “cleanliness” is not enough anymore. Integrating safety in cleaning is the trend now, and it doesn’t cut it if the cleaners only know how to “clean”.

The objective of cleaning is not just to clean, but to feel happiness living within that environment.”

Marie Kondo

There are a lot of housekeeping training materials available online to help upskill your office cleaners, but if you need a more comprehensive housekeeping training with live demonstration, give us a call and get you started right away! Our Housekeeping Training is based on years of actual experience in cleaning homes and offices. We include updated cleaning agents and equipment in our training to help ensure your office cleaners are up to date with the latest technology to keep your office clean and safe, at least the time.

CMDA Cleaning Services – A trusted name in Cleaning and Disinfection Services

As a company certified in Cleaning & Infection Control in General Facilities from the Cleaning Masterclass in UK, our clients trust and prefer our services in all their cleaning, disinfection and housekeeping needs. We deliver beyond the basic cleaning, disinfection and housekeeping services you require and expect. Contact us today and let us help you create a cleaner and safer future, together.



Housekeeping is not simply just hiring someone to clean just because “everyone can clean”. As true as Chef Gusteau from Ratatouille claims that anyone can cook, anyone can also clean, but only those that apply their training can be great.

“Good” housekeeping is the combination of art, science and math. It revolves around presentation while ensuring safety and economic use of materials and equipment. Here are the reasons why Housekeeping Training of your housekeeping staff is important:

Housekeeping ain’t no joke.” 

– Louisa May Alcott

Consistent Quality of Cleanliness

The quality of cleaning of your housekeeping staff or cleaners can be different on Day 1, compared to, say Day 21. It can be better, or it could be worse. Having your cleaners undergo Housekeeping Training ensures that the quality of service they provide is the same from Day 1 up to the day he or she ends their services. Having and keeping a cleaning manual from the Housekeeping Training also ensures that even if your cleaners are replaced, you can expect to get the same quality of cleaning, as long as they read it.

Cleaning and Organizing is a PRACTICE, not a Project.

- Meagan Francis

Proper Management of Cleaning Materials and Solutions

Have you ever experienced a time when you have just bought a big bottle of dishwashing liquid, only to find out that they are all gone just a few days after? If you have, then you are not alone. There are hundreds of individuals and companies who are spending too much on something so simple such as a dishwashing liquid and are not maximizing them to their full potential. These overspending could already amount to thousands in a month.

Our Housekeeping Training include topics on “How To Clean”, as well as how to manage cleaning resources.

Proper Surface Management

Have you had a cleaner who “cleans too much”? Wooden floors scratched, over-scrubbed upholstery, peeled Teflon frying pans, over-scrubbed walls now with paint peeling off? They did get the dirt removed, but the surface is damaged as well. Without proper Housekeeping Training, aside from wasting time and resources, untrained individuals can damage surfaces and properties.

Housekeeping Training include learning which cleaning solutions works best on what surface. Protecting surfaces while cleaning is just as important.

The objective of cleaning is not just to clean, but to feel happiness living within that environment.”

Marie Kondo

Time Management

How long does it take to clean a toilet? 30 minutes? 1 hour? Have you seen a person clean a toilet for an hour and still provide varying results? Unless you do it yourself, or if you have the time to make a motion study of it, it would be difficult to determine how much time is needed to deliver quality cleaning for each area. Of course, the best way is for you to have your cleaners undergo Housekeeping Training to make sure your housekeeping needs are rolling like clockwork.

With Housekeeping Training, you will know how long each cleaning task will take. Managing the cleanliness of your entire working or living area will become easier.

Nothing inspires cleanliness more than an unexpected guest.”

- Radhika Mundra

Consistent Implementation of Safety

Cleaning involves the use of a lot of water and harmful chemicals. Untrained individuals handling these materials are prone to accidents and injury, especially if such materials were not handled carefully. We are well aware that no one has died of cleaning, yet, but there are cases of injuries involving slipping because of wet floor, getting skin and eye irritations because of strong chemicals, hand eczema because of strong chemicals and so on.

Our Housekeeping Training includes the importance of safety while carrying out cleaning tasks. We believe that a sustainable housekeeping training is an effective training, that is why we ensure that safety is included in every part of our training.

At the end of the day, the savings you will get from maximizing the working hours of your cleaners and the savings you get from proper use of materials, outweigh the cost for a Housekeeping Training. The technology in cleaning is not as fast paced as mobile phones, so a Housekeeping Training you get today can be very useful for more than a decade. Get started with a Housekeeping Training quote today!

Housework can’t kill you, but why take a chance?

- Phyllis Diller

CMDA Cleaning Services – A trusted name in Cleaning and Disinfection Services

As a company certified in Cleaning & Infection Control in General Facilities from the Cleaning Masterclass in UK, our clients trust and prefer our services in all their cleaning, disinfection and housekeeping needs. We deliver beyond the basic cleaning, disinfection and housekeeping services you require and expect. Contact us today and let us help you create a cleaner and safer future, together.

Do You Think Cleaning Can Free Us from Dengue? and Why?

Do You Think Cleaning Can Free Us from Dengue? and Why?

Dengue infection is prevalent worldwide, affecting tropical countries and southern parts of Temperate countries. Millions of infections are reported yearly, and despite vaccines available, Dengue persist as one of the deadly diseases that affect Filipino children and adults. Living in a country known to have cases of Dengue, we know that controlling the mosquito population by cleaning our surroundings is the key to keep Dengue at bay. Equipped with this knowledge, why do we still get Dengue? 

Need something cleaned?

Is Cleaning our Surroundings still Effective against Dengue?

Yes, cleaning can free us from Dengue. It is effective and have actually helped reduce the number of cases. When the Philippine Department of Health launched an information drive decades ago against Dengue, the number of reported infections were reduced. But the real questions are:

  • Are we cleaning effectively?
  • Are we cleaning as a community?

Cleaning Effectively

Cleaning effectively is step towards preventing Dengue. Mosquitoes do not naturally stay where humans stay. The eat (or drink) blood from mammals, amphibians, reptiles and birds. They generally dwell more near humans because we are probably the largest food source in the area where they live, we have pets that they can feed on to as well, and there are generally bodies of water around us (pool, ponds, bathroom, and so on.) That would mean, we need to make sure there are no places for them to breed (and spread), and there are no places they can hide by doing the  following:

  • Remove stagnant water around the house (empty bottles, cans, and so on);
  • Reduce clutter where mosquitoes can hide (do a general home cleaning of your space);
  • Ensure that your pool contains enough chlorine;
  • Add anti-mosquito measures in pond by placing live fish or mosquito repelling plants;
  • Installing anti-mosquito devices (bug zappers, planting citronella plants);


Mosquitoes carrying the Dengue virus is the main cause of Dengue  Fever

Cleaning as a Community

If only a few households clean their place, chances are, these mosquitoes will just transfer to the next door and breed there. Like every disease, steps and actions should be well coordinated within the community to stop it from spreading. The Anti-Dengue Fumigation drive done by the barangay can only help at some point, but as long as there is a chance for some mosquitoes to hide and breed, Dengue will remain as a feared disease for us. It is recommended that you do the following in your community:

  • Community cleaning of storm drains and gutters;
  • Community cleaning of parks and side walks;
  • Community cleaning of garbage areas;
  • Regular fumigation to kill mosquitoes and their eggs;

Discarded bottles that still accumulate water can be a good breeding ground for mosquitoes

Need something cleaned?

Treating Dengue with similar approach to COVID

Though we can’t fight Dengue just by wearing masks and observing physical distancing. It would help if we apply what we have learned from this pandemic so we could stop Dengue as well:

Isolate – patients infected by Dengue should be isolated from mosquitoes so that the insect will not transfer it to a healthy person;

Disinfect with bleach – Mosquitoes do not lay eggs on are with water accumulation that have been disinfected by bleach. Bleach kill mosquito eggs and larvae;

Monitor symptoms – such as high fever (40 C), with rashes, headache and body ache;

Boost your immunity – by eating healthy and exercising, you can reduce the chances of experiencing severe Dengue fever;

Avoid crowded spaces – Mosquitoes love a crowd and spaces with crowded furniture. Chances of getting bitten by a mosquito with Dengue virus is high as well in crowded spaces;


Chlorine Bleach

We have posted an article about How to Protect Your Home and Office against Dengue and Zeka Virus before that you might want to read. Do you want to learn more on how CMDA Cleaning Services can help you, your family, or your office fight against Dengue and COVID-19? Send us an email at inquiry@cmdacleaning.com, or call/text us on any number mentioned above.

Let’s all be well and healthy, wear a face mask, wash our hands frequently, maintain a 1-2 meter physical distance to non-family members, and stay at home if we can. Stay covid-free!

Cleaning agents at home (Pinoy Edition)

Cleaning agents at home (Pinoy Edition)

Are you just about to get started with your home cleaning in these lockdown periods? Your first step would most likely be looking for cleaning agents at home. This is not just any home, this is YOUR home, and so you want to make sure you know what’s available for cleaning immediately.

Getting familiar with the cleaning agents can help you finish faster, and of course, ensure surfaces are cleaner. Since home cleaning is already a “chore”, we will save you from the technicalities of terms and descriptions of each cleaning agent.

Need something cleaned?

Cleaning Agents at Home

  • Multipurpose cleaners
    • Lysol
    • Ajax
    • Mr Muscle
    • Zim Cleanser
    • Domex
  • Bleach
    • Clorox
  • Dishwashing liquid
    • Joy
    • Axion
    • Smart
  • Alcohol
    • Isopropyl Alcohol
    • Ethyl Alcohol
Cleaning agents at home

Cleaning your home

If you got any of each cleaning agent mentioned above available, all you need are a broom, washcloths (basahan), sponge and a plastic brush to go with the cleaning products and get you started.

Getting organized is the best way to go through with this chore. Start off with the area you least visit or use – balcony or bodega, and end at the most visited – bathroom or kitchen. Start with dusting surfaces. Using a dry washcloth, wipe walls and ceiling, cabinet surfaces, tabletops. Sweep the floor (a vacuum cleaner will make this easier and more thorough). Then you can wipe or scrub off stains with your cleaning products.

cleaning agents at home

A vacuum cleaner is better at cleaning compared to a broom with dustpan. 

Preparing your Cleaning Agents at Home

Each of your cleaning products have instructions written at the back of their container. It is best to follow the intended use and dilution of each cleaning product so you can clean better and save time and money.

Most cleaning products come with a good cap to help you measure how much of it you need to put on a certain amount of water.

  • Bleach (Clorox) – 1 cup (250 mL or 16 tablespoon) + 5 liters of water
  • Lysol Multi-action cleaner – 3 capfuls (60 mL or 4 tablespoon) + 1 liter of water
  • Mr Muscle Multi Purpose cleaner – ½ cap (120 mL or 8 tablespoon) + 5 liters of water
  • Ajax Multi Purpose cleaner – 2.5 capfuls + 900 mL of water
  • CIF All-Purpose Cleaner – use as it is
  • Domex Multi Purpose cleaner – 1 cap + 1 liter of water
cleaning agents at home
cleaning agents at home

Use the recommended mix so you can wipe and clean surfaces at home, remove dust, and sanitize your place. Just don’t mix two different products to make it seemingly stronger because each product has a different active ingredient that could create chemical reactions bad for us.

As soon as you get the dirt and stains removed, rinse surfaces with regular tap water to remove cleaning residue. Leaving traces of the cleaning product on surfaces can damage the surface itself.

Dry the surface immediately to get rid of excess water that could also possibly damage your surface. You can do this by wiping a washcloth or mopping the surface, or airing out the area.

cleaning agents at home

Do you want to learn more on how CMDA Cleaning Services can help you, your family, or your office fight against COVID-19?

Send us an email at inquiry@cmdacleaning.com, or call/text us on any number mentioned above.

Let’s all be well and healthy, wear a face mask, wash our hands frequently, maintain a 1-2 meter physical distance to non-family members, and stay at home if we can. Stay covid-free!

Cleaning Tools Equipment and Supplies for Home Cleaning

Cleaning Tools Equipment and Supplies for Home Cleaning

Home cleaning may sound simple as it is, until you can’t figure out what cleaning tools, equipment and supplies you need. It can be quite frustrating when you start cleaning an area and realize you got the wrong tool or lack the equipment to clean it.

A typical home in the Philippines would most likely have these tools and supplies, but it would be better to be prepared before starting your home cleaning.​

Need something cleaned?

Cleaning Tools, Equipment and Supplies for your home cleaning

  • Broom/Sweeper/Vacuum
  • Mop
  • Pail/Basin
  • Washcloths (Basahan/Pamunas)
  • Sponge
  • Scrubbers
  • Multi purpose cleaner (liquid)
cleaning tools equipment and supplies for home cleaning

Cleaning Tools at Home

Generally, when we talk about cleaning tools, these are generally items that we buy and use that doesn’t require power or batteries. At the same time, we use these items several times until they are no longer functional. Take for example the broom and mop – We buy them and use them for several months until there are no more bristles or hair on the broom, or the cloth on the mop is beyond washing.

Common cleaning tools that we use are brooms, dustpans, mops, long handle brush and pail or basin for storing water. Having specialized cleaning tools like squeegee (glass cleaner) and swiffers can help as well and make glass cleaning and wiping ceilings easier.

Here’s a tip: use rotary mops for faster mop rinsing and wringing. Just make sure to keep it dry when stored so it doesn’t rust and get stuck up. 

cleaning tools equipment and supplies for home cleaning

Rotary mops are very convenient is mopping and rinsing.

Cleaning Equipment at Home

Most cleaning equipment come with either a cord or a battery pack. This means the most common cleaning equipment is the vacuum cleaner, and having one is a must to get the home cleaning easier. It is actually one of the best and must have cleaning equipment since 2020.

An insane but true fact, dusting and vacuuming helps improve air quality. Aside from getting dirt around the floor, it filters the air as well. A huge help especially these days where we spend most of our time at home due to the pandemic and lockdowns.

cleaning tools equipment and supplies for home cleaning

A vacuum cleaner is better at cleaning compared to a broom with dustpan. 

Cleaning Supplies at Home

These are consumables that you use for cleaning and will mainly compose of water – it is going to be quite difficult to clean without water. Common supplies would include multi-purpose cleaners, sponge, scrubbers, and several washcloths.

Aside from water, your next best cleaning supply and will most commonly use is a strong multi-purpose liquid cleaner. It is an all around cleaner you can use from your bathroom to your kitchen. If you’re having a hard time looking for one, you can use an antibacterial dishwashing liquid – a component common in most liquid cleaner.

Here’s a tip: use different washcloths for different areas to avoid cross contamination. When working on hard to remove dirt and stains, soak the area with a concentrated amount of multi-purpose cleaner first for at least five to ten minutes before scrubbing it. This will help make scrubbing easier.

Cleaning accessories at Home

These are daily tools and supplies you use to keep you and your home clean and safe from infections. Of course, without saying, antibacterial liquid handsoap should be on the top of this list. With this pandemic, all of us should be washing our hands more regularly than usual now.

Another important accessory are good quality floor mats that keep dirt and microbes right at the door. It is best to leave one at the front door (better if you leave your shoes there – Asian style), beside the kitchen sink and in front of the bathroom door. This will keep and trap most of the dirt and bacteria on those areas only and from going around your home.

Floor Mat

Export quality floor mat

Do you want to learn more on how CMDA Cleaning Services can help you, your family, or your office fight against COVID-19?

Send us an email at inquiry@cmdacleaning.com, or call/text us on any number mentioned above.

Let’s all be well and healthy, wear a face mask, wash our hands frequently, maintain a 1-2 meter physical distance to non-family members, and stay at home if we can. Stay covid-free!