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Household Chores Filipinos Hate Doing

Household Chores Filipinos Hate Doing

We’ve asked Filipinos what household chores they love and hate doing. Some chores seem to be expected, others came out surprising! Check out the results below and see if you belong to the general group of Filipinos who love and hate doing these chores.

We sent out a survey in January 2023 and collected 106 responses over a period of 30 days. 67.9% of the respondents were women, while 28.3% of them were men. Majority of the respondents were between the age group of 36-45 years old (60.4%).

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Household Chores Filipinos Hate

  • Cleaning the toilet bowl – 75.47%
  • Cleaning someone else’s bedroom – 66%
  • Finishing the laundry (hanging, folding and ironing) – 56.5%
  • Cleaning the bathroom – 56.5%
  • Cleaning Pet Pee – 51.5%
  • Cleaning kitchen – 47.16%
  • Cleaning inside refrigerator – 42.45%
  • Cleaning the garage – 38.68%
  • Washing dishes – 37.73%

Household Chores Filipinos Love to Do

  • Cooking – 66.03%
  • Do the Laundry using washing machine – 47.17%
  • Cleaning your own bedroom – 42.45%
  • Sweeping the floor – 37.73%
  • Cleaning the sala – 36.79%
  • Wiping table tops – 33.02%

Household chores with Neutral take:

  • Taking out the trash
  • Vacuum floors

#1 Cleaning the Toilet Bowl

We have expected this result since when we were doing our research, surveys across the globe also show – “Most of us humans hate cleaning the toilet bowl”. Luckily, 78.3% of the respondents have someone to help them do their chores, which includes cleaning the toilet bowl.

The smell, the water in the toilet bowl splashing back (sometimes on your face), the yellowish stains within and around the toilet seat, and other horrific things we could add about the toilet bowl make most of us hate cleaning it. Some stains are even difficult to remove and the lingering smell of old pee drives some of us crazy.  Since it is part of the bathroom, cleaning the bathroom comes number 4 on the list.

There are already cleaning products that are specially made to clean toilet bowls. These toilet bowl cleaners do help in cleaning, but a “No Scrub” version is yet to be invented.

#2 Cleaning Someone Else’s Room

We don’t like the mess we did, much more someone else’s mess. Cleaning someone else’s room, even if it is for a family member comes number 2 on the list Household Chores Filipinos hate. 

We don’t know where their trash came from, what body fluids they left, and whatever other gross stuff they left in their room. We don’t want to know what other surprises we get from cleaning their room, so we hate doing it. After all, isn’t it suppose to be an adult’s job to clean their own room? The fact is, it is not always the case. Someone has to clean it, especially on cases where weird smells are coming from the room already, or worse, crawling and flying insects are already nesting there.

There are people who, despite the messy state their room is already, do not want others to touch their stuff, much more have it cleaned. But even your own home can make you sick, so someone must clean it.

It is a good thing we can hire professional cleaning companies like CMDA Cleaning Service to do such Home Cleaning.

#3 Finishing the Laundry

We love doing the laundry using a washing machine,it even falls on number 2 on Household Chores we LOVE doing. BUT, hanging the laundry to dry, folding the laundry and ironing clothes comes third in what we HATE the most.

With the number of laundry shops opening over the past few years, it really shows how people hate drying, folding and ironing clothes. We would rather send and pay someone to do our dirty laundry and receive it back after 3 to 5 days clean, folded and wrinkle free!

This could partly be due to the reason that only 44.34% of the respondents say they could manage their time doing chores. This may only include starting the washing machine, but doesn’t include the time hanging, folding and ironing clothes. With our busy schedule, the amount of time processing our laundry seems too much for us.

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#4 Cleaning the Bathroom

Removing stuck hair in the drain, removing yellowish-brownish stains on tiles, removing hard water stains on faucets, the list goes on, giving us a lot of reasons why we hate cleaning the bathroom.

Probably one of the biggest reason we hate cleaning the bathroom is the toilet bowl, which is number 1 on the chores we hate doing. It would be difficult to clean the entire bathroom without cleaning the toilet bowl. 

There are also stains that can’t seem to go away no matter how hard we brush. Are they really stains? Are they already molds? Or are the tile grout (tile adhesive) worn away? We have a separate blog article to help you with this.

#5 Cleaning Pet Pee

Cat and dog pee give out very strong odors, the smell lingers for a long time, and using bleach can’t seem to remove them completely. We hate cleaning up after our pet, that is why most of us let them out on the streets and let them do their business elsewhere. Little wee accidents even become horror stories when our fur babies pee on the carpet. Thankfully there are carpet shampoo services available. 

For cat fur-parents, they are lucky that cats use litter boxes instinctively. You can just simply open the box, scoop out the poop (and pee) from the sand on the tray, put back the box, and that’s it! The only dragging task is cleaning the entire box once a week to remove the lingering smell inside.

Dog fur-parents are not so lucky. Training their dogs on pee pads and hopefully the pup doesn’t miss the big target, replacing the pee pads when full, rolling the pee pad when there’s poop on it, and pray the pup doesn’t drag and play with it.

Filipino Housekeeping Practices

While some of us have a household helper, some who don’t have shown that they are happy doing the chores. Around 44% said they are happy cleaning their home and only 22% thinks it’s a drag. This would be because most of us know how to clean already (88.9%). From a very young age, we were already taught how to pack away our toys, organize our stuff and probably our parents have occasionally handed us a broom to help sweep the floor. Maintaining a clean home is actually part of our culture.

Despite having good housekeeping practices incorporated within us since we were young, some of us fail to keep our home clean. 62% of the respondents say they cannot, or are not sure, if they can manage their time to do household chores. With busy work schedules, heavy traffic going to work and returning home, who would have time to clean, right? But despite these set backs, we still try. 77.8% of the respondents said they have the right tools already. It could be in the form of robot vacuum, hand held vacuum cleaners like from Dyson or Deerma, and other common cleaning supplies we have at home.

Thankfully, there are solutions on how to work around these tasks like using good brands of cleaning products, or getting the service of a professional cleaning company.

Housekeeping Job Training

Housekeeping Job Training

If you are: Looking for a Housekeeping Training similar to TESDA (Housekeeping NC II) for local employment, or if you are looking for training for your housekeeping job staff, you are in the right place! CMDA Cleaning Academy provides Housekeeping Training fundamentally based on TESDA Housekeeping NC II course as well as ASEAN-William Angliss Institute program on “Providing Housekeeping Services to Guests”.

CMDA Cleaning Academy can also customize Training on Housekeeping Jobs according to your company’s needs. Ranging from Basic Sanitation and Cleaning to Disinfection and Infectious Disease Management.

Here are the reasons why you need to choose our course:

Flexibility in Housekeeping Job Training

Our training programs are not limited to time and space. We carry out courses online and on-site with participants ranging from 5 to 200 people. Choose between or mix and match courses according to your company’s needs:
  • Basic Housekeeping / Cleaning
  • Specialized Cleaning (example: Carpet shampoo)
  • Disinfection and Infectious Control Management
  • Cleaning Supplies Inventory and Management
  • Housekeeping Staff Management
  • Customized Office Cleaning
  • Residential Cleaning
  • Hotel and Resort Housekeeping


CMDA Cleaning Academy advocates for sustainable practices regardless of industry. All our programs are designed to ensure sustainable housekeeping practices that your company can use for years, even when your housekeeping staff change or new cleaning products and equipment arrive.

Aside from the slide presentations we provide, we recommend and can help create training manuals and Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for your housekeeping to ensure that Housekeeping Jobs are carried out by old and new employees.

Value for Your Money

The quality of training that CMDA Cleaning Academy provides delivers real world results – reduced backjobs, economic use of cleaning supplies, optimized cleaning times, and consistent cleaning performances. One of our training principles is exceeding expectations. We deliver the best training your housekeeping team can get so they can deliver the best housekeeping cleaning your company can experience.

One we take pride on is the readiness of companies that we have worked with before the COVID-19 pandemic arrived. They were prepared prior to the lockdowns that occured, and up to this day, they have survived and thrived, operating in compliance with company and government policies. We provide training solutions to current and future housekeeping problems.


All our programs are backed by 10 years of Housekeeping and Cleaning experience. We provide direct and translated Housekeeping NC II programs to cater varying needs of companies. Our facilitators are also Cleaning Masterclass graduates from the United Kingdom.

CMDA Cleaning Academy has provided Housekeeping training to Government agencies, BPO companies, Fortune 500 companies and even other cleaning service companies! Here are some of our other accreditations:

  • PhiGEPS accredited
  • Philippine Port Authority accredited

Handling a Housekeeping Job Training shouldn’t be an arduous task for anyone (not even your HR!) if proper planning is made. Most of all, remember why you are searching for housekeeping training in the first place:

  • Make your office more productive
  • Help make your employees healthy and safe in the office
  • Encourage a cleaner and safer workplace
  • Protect and restore company assets
  • Align the office environment with the company’s mission and vision

How to Do a Proper Office Deep Cleaning

How to Do a Proper Office Deep Cleaning

Not happy or satisfied with the office deep cleaning done by your in-house janitor team or from an outsourced janitorial service agency? While cleanliness sometimes depends on “the eye of the beholder”, there is a process on how to do a proper office deep cleaning. If you are looking for an expert’s opinion (and that with 10 years experience) on how to do that, check out our steps below:



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Schedule your Office Deep Cleaning

Your office housekeeping team might be missing out on cleaning opportunities because of a bad schedule. Doing a deep office cleaning while employees are working can be detrimental to both the employees and the cleaning team. It is recommended to do an Office Deep Cleaning monthly or at least quarterly, during times where there are no employees (weekends) and with ample lighting (daytime).

The right schedule would let your cleaning team spot areas that need more attention, work on improving the cleanliness of an area and efficiently carry out the deep cleaning without distractions and interruptions.

Do a Personal Ocular Inspection

Run through the cleaning details with your team to plan out how you will carry out the Office Deep Cleaning. This is also best done with someone who is not part of the in-house janitorial team so you have another set of eyes that can spot areas you might have missed.

Planning an office deep cleaning can be overwhelming. Getting an overview of your office from top to bottom, left to right, you might overlook some areas that need more attention. It could be as simple as carpet stains, cobwebs on the ceiling, or stained grout in the washroom. Getting through the details with your cleaning team gets them more on board with the task at hand.

Assign Specialized People to Do Specialized Tasks

Almost everybody knows how to clean, but not everyone knows how to shampoo carpets or polish floors. Check your team who specializes in which and let them do the task to get the best office deep cleaning results. You may have encountered carpet stains or floor dirt that persists despite repeated office deep cleanings. You may get frequent responses like “it’s been there for several months already, it’s really hard to remove” or “I didn’t see that last time”, which all means you don’t have the right person for the job. You might need to have someone go through a specialized housekeeping training for this.

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Set a Budget for the Office Deep Cleaning

The Office Deep Cleaning budget is different from your daily or monthly overall cleaning budget. Your daily office cleaning is just to maintain the cleanliness in your office, but an office deep cleaning activity comes with a mission in restoring the cleanliness and requires a special budget. You will need to buy extra cleaning materials or rent out some cleaning equipment such as stain removers, ladders, vacuum cleaners and carpet extractors, materials you don’t regularly use for daily cleaning.

You might need extra people to make sure the cleaning will be done on time. Any shortage in the budget may cause poor results and delays in the cleaning.



Outsource your Office Deep Cleaning

If you find the above steps tough for you, you can always contact a cleaning service company or a janitorial service agency such as CMDA Cleaning Services to do the office deep cleaning for you. You can schedule an ocular inspection and cleaning with them. They should have specialized cleaners to process special areas and they should be able to provide an office deep cleaning that is within your budget.

These outsourced cleaning companies can help identify key cleaning problem areas in your office that your in-house janitors have been too “familiar”, “complacent”, or just can’t seem to deal with.

Outsourcing cleaning jobs, even if you already have in-house janitors, is a common practice worldwide. You need people to “make your office clean” and you need people to “keep your office clean”.

Doing an Office Deep Cleaning shouldn’t be an arduous task for anyone (not even the cleaning team!) if proper planning is made. Most of all, remember why you are doing an office deep cleaning in the first place:

  • Make your office more productive
  • Help make your employees healthy and safe in the office
  • Encourage a cleaner and safer workplace 
  • Protect and restore company assets
  • Align the office environment with the company’s mission and vision

5 Tips for an Easy Party Cleaning

5 Tips for an Easy Party Cleaning

Having a party at your place this holiday season is totally awesome! Doing the after party cleaning – not so great. This is why some people opt to just dine out, bearing the traffic and waiting in line at restaurants. After party cleaning shouldn’t be stressful at all. Here are some tips to help make the after party cleaning as easy as opening Christmas gift!



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1. Use some Ds (Disposables or Dishwasher)

Half of the after party cleaning involve washing the dishes. Investing in a good dishwasher can help – A Lot! Though this is an expensive option, a dishwasher is an appliance you can use throughout the year. Just load your dishes, add soap, press the button, and that’s it! 

If you are on a tight budget, using disposable utensils and paper plates will save you the time in cleaning dishes as well. As soon as your guests are done with their plates, they can simply throw them in a trash bag for faster disposal. This is very practical, to those who have no household help. However, if you are serving fried chicken, T-bone steak or Adobo, it would be difficult to cut through them using disposable utensils. You might want to consider the food you will be serving then, if you are going for this option.

2. Go Minimalist

Minimal preparation means minimal cleaning.

  • Serve food (delivery) with the tray it came in, don’t transfer anymore to another dish.
  • Buy drinks in cans or small bottles instead of liter bottles that you have to transfer to cups or glasses.
  • Use less decors – you only use them a few days a year anyway. Opt on soft holiday background music instead.
  • Order individually packed desserts such as Fruit Salad in a cup, Leche Flan in small containers, cake slices and other such dessert preparations.

These may sound frugal, but your end goal here is for you to have less cleaning after. 


3. Place Paper towels and Wet Wipes 

Accidental spills can happen anywhere, anytime. Strategically placing paper towels and wet wipes all over your place can help cleaning them up fast. Your guest might even do it for you!

Your guests will be needing some as well, specially if you are serving greasy food or food with sauce. Drink spills? They got you! With the paper towels nearby, cleaning up is easy. 


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4. Hiring a Personal Assistant

Christmas Parties are similar to weddings, they are both events. Having a personal assistant on the day will be a huge help, either with coordinating and accepting food/deliveries, setting up the place, receiving guests or assisting you with everything or anything you need along the way.

One of the feedback of event coordinators and HR managers during an event is that they usually don’t get the time to enjoy the party they have personally organized. They seem to be everywhere and there seem to be no time to sit down and watch the show. Hiring a personal assistant for the day can help ease things up. He or she can be the point person for all the deliveries, run quick errands for you and do last minute details while you attend to the general overview of things. Adding a person who serves drinks in your office party would be a nice touch for your event.

5. Enjoy the day and let tomorrow worry itself

The event day is a special day for you and your guests. Enjoy your time with them and worry about the cleaning the following day. Sure, the ants will be there probably, some roaches maybe, but they will not settle in at your place forever. Having your place in a mess for a night will not ruin your place permanently. 

Once the party is over, you can create a system of plans to carry out your cleaning. If you have used some of the tips above, things would be much easier for you.


Preparing for the holidays doesn’t have to be very stressful for anyone, organizer or attendees. There are a lot of ways to make the coming holidays worry-free. Don’t forget to mask up and watch out for COVID-19 symptoms from the attendees. We don’t want to make our events a super spreader this season.

Tips For a Worry Free Christmas Party at Home

Tips For a Worry Free Christmas Party at Home

The Christmas holidays are just around the corner, and when the family gathering will be done at your home, things can be a bit hectic. Ordering or cooking food, setting up the table, putting up decors and other party details can be a chore. Food deliveries can be delayed during the holidays and occassionally some food mix up occurs. And the most stressful of all – after party cleaning.

If you are looking for ways to organize a worry free Christmas Party at home, check out our tips below:

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Book Early

Whether you are making a reservation in a restaurant, have your food catered, or plan to order online, book your plans early or at least three to four weeks prior. If you have recently dined in a restaurant, you may notice that the queue is longer, the staff are fewer than usual (compared to pre-pandemic) and the choices in the menu are shorter. The chef will be cooking food for those dining in and for deliveries. These can affect your event even if it is held at home, so booking early can help the restaurant prepare the food, either for catering or delivery, and serve it to you hot and fresh.

The food industry is still recovering from the pandemic, transitioning from dine-in pre-pandemic norms to take out and deliveries, and then returning to dine-in has put a lot of stress on the restaurant businesses. This doesn’t even include those few who switched to Cloud Kitchens.

Survey the Food

In a recent report by a popular food delivery app, 2 out of 5 people prefer to order in for their social gatherings rather than dining out. This opens a lot of options for food choices. Create a poll in your family group chat on their food preference so you could narrow down which restaurants you should order from. 

The great thing about catering or ordering food for your party is that you are not limited to one restaurant’s menu. You can get creative by pairing the legendary fried spring roll (lumpia) with a variety of other food from the East to West, making the event memorable for everyone.


Whether you are getting a caterer, or ordering-in, reconfirm the number of guests attending and the food you ordered. It wouldn’t hurt to do that and it prevents misunderstanding during the day of the event.

Usual concerns that arose from an “almost failed” parties were due to: The food did not arrive (wrong delivery date/time), different food were delivered (not the one you ordered), food was not enough, or food were not safe for eating anymore. If you have noticed, part of these are logistics problems, while a part of it is due to the food provider (restaurant or kitchen). Reconfirming details with yourself (if you are the one organizing it), with the restaurant and with the delivery team would help prevent these problems from happening.

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Hiring a Personal Assistant

Christmas Parties are similar to weddings, they are both events. Having a personal assistant on the day will be a huge help, either with coordinating and accepting food/deliveries, setting up the place, receiving guests or assisting you with everything or anything you need along the way.

One of the feedback of event coordinators and HR managers during an event is that they usually don’t get the time to enjoy the party they have personally organized. They seem to be everywhere and there seem to be no time to sit down and watch the show. Hiring a personal assistant for the day can help ease things up. He or she can be the point person for all the deliveries, run quick errands for you and do last minute details while you attend to the general overview of things. Adding a person who serves drinks in your office party would be a nice touch for your event.

Hire a Per Hour Cleaner

Spilled food and drinks are very common in a party. It can cause accidents and could ruin the whole event. Having no one on standby to clean it up can be worrisome. Hiring a Per Hour Cleaner can clean while the party progresses and they can double as a food server as well.


You’re lucky if you can hire extra household help to standby during the event, but if you can’t hire extras, you can always book one with us!

Hire an Event Cleaning Team

An event cleaning crew can serve food and drinks during the event, spot cleaning while they do that, and then clean up after the party. Their team leader can double as your personal assistant while you are at it, and they can come in with all the cleaning equipment they need to get things clean after the event. 

Preparing for the holidays doesn’t have to be very stressful for anyone, organizer or attendees. There are a lot of ways to make the coming holidays worry-free. Don’t forget to mask up and watch out for COVID-19 symptoms from the attendees. We don’t want to make our events a super spreader this season.