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Office Cleaning Tips from a Professional Cleaning Service provider in Manila

Office Cleaning Tips from a Professional Cleaning Service provider in Manila

For a small or medium office, it’s either the liason (messenger) doubles as an office cleaner, or no one at all. We all think that for a small business, it’s not necessary to have a regular cleaning staff – it’s an additional cost, the office doesn’t seem to be dirty everyday and where will you stow the cleaning equipment and materials right? But somebody has got to do it (cleaning the office), and that somebody might be you.

Need something cleaned?

cleaningOffice cleaning can be tedious and time consuming, depending on how clean (or dirty) it is. But there are ways to get the office clean, and there are steps that might just impress your boss and co-workers.


Tip #1 – Timing

The success of your office cleaning depends on how many (or few) the foot traffic is. The best time to clean the office is at the end of the business day or weekends. No one crossing the floor you just cleaned, no litter bugs filling the trash and no need to re-do the areas you have already cleaned.

Tip #2 – Start from the top

The ceiling and hard to reach top cabinets are usually the least noticeable areas in your office and the less likely to be cleaned regularly. They are hardly noticed but would send a wrong impression to the boss and visitors, if ever they look up. Start from mopping, wiping or dusting the ceiling and the top shelves or top of the cabinets. Let the dust and dirt fall because you can get to it later.

Tip #3 – Soak

The secret to an easy office cleaning is soaking (and having the patience to do it). Soak all the utensils in the pantry in a pail filled with liquid dishwashing soap. Generously spray Mr. Muscle surface cleaner on tiles and toilet bowl and let it stay for at least 20 minutes. Soak the blinds with the same surface cleaner as well. Spray liquid disinfectants (ie. diluted Lysol disinfectant) on walls and let it stay for 10 minutes. After all the soaking is done, rinse or wipe the surface and they would look professionally cleaned!

brushingTip #4 – Brush and Blow

A small brush can give big wonders on keyboard tops, decorations and wall corners. A brush can clean hard to reach areas, especially fragile ones. If you have a vacuum that can double as a blower, blow some air into CPU units, corners of the wall (and the ceiling), underneath heavy appliances (like refrigerators or heavy cabinets with bases), to easily push the dirt out and vacuum it more thoroughly.

Tip #5 – Enforce (or re-enforce) a system

Ask your co-workers to help in cleaning, or at least maintaining the cleanliness, of your office. Ask them to file-as-you-go to ensure no paperwork gets lost or ends inside a trash bin. Ask them to use spill proof mugs to avoid carpet, table and wall stains. Have them keep their own work area clean and organized all the time. These few steps (and a memo to inform all staff) will go a long way to keep your office clean.


Not all offices are the same and there are no templates on how an office should be. But there are ways to clean it without employing regular man power. Involve the whole company since everyone will be affected if the office becomes dirty. If the work and business demands does not offer time for cleaning, professional office cleaning services like us can provide a one time deep cleaning session and we can also do it a monthly thing.



Protect Your Home And Office From Dengue and Zika Virus

Protect Your Home And Office From Dengue and Zika Virus

Protect your home and office from Dengue and Zika virus

With the recent emergence of the Zika virus and the world wide concern about the disease is causing worry and anxiety to a lot of people, especially in the Philippines where the carrier of the virus, the Aedes mosquitoes, is also the carrier of the Dengue virus – causing Dengue hemorrhagic fever that claimed 511 lives in the Philippines in 2015, with over 160,000 suspected cases. This is a 59.9% rise in cases compared to 2014, which means, more on more people fall victim to this disease, and increases the probability of contracting the Zika virus as well.

Need something cleaned?

Currently there are no vaccines or cure for the Zika virus, however, Dengue virus vaccinations are soon to be available in the Philippines. The only way to prevent them is to make sure your home or office is mosquito free.

Tips on how to protect your home and office

Deep cleaning – the mosquito can hide in small crevices and cracks of the doors, walls and ceiling. It is best that you clean every inch of your place and disturb the hiding place of the mosquitoes. Include the cleaning of the roof, mezzanine, attics and ceilings in your cleaning list. Adding a mosquito repellent in your cleaning liquids may help in warding them off after cleaning. These mosquitoes breed on stagnant clean water accumulating around your house or office. Make sure that your yard, balcony or terraces   (and your neighbours) doesn’t have anything that accumulates water (ie. Water drum, pails, basins, bottles, etc). If ever they do and you need them there, make sure they are covered.flea-30753_1280

Pest control – If the mosquitoes in your place are already swarming out of control, it is time to consult with a professional cleaning service and/or professional pest control service. Simple repellents (citronella oil, mosquito coils or liquid insecticides like Baygon) may not work anymore and a thorough wipe out of insects may be required.

Mosquito repellents – As soon as your home or office is already clean, keep the mosquitoes away by placing repellent measures. Plant Citronella plants/grass around your yard, or in pots around your balcony. If your plants are thriving already, you can harvest the leaves (cut the leaves but leave some at least 6 inches from the ground), boil it in water and use the yellow liquid to spray around your home. This can be a cost effective measure as well. You can also buy mosquito patches for your kids from the grocery to help them ward off the insects when they go to school or the playground. Citronella oils are now available in small stores located in the malls.


There are circumstances that you or someone in the household is allergic to chemical cleaning agents and pesticides, or, have respiratory diseases like asthma, making the cleaning and repelling process difficult for them. It may also cause immediate harm even without being bitten by a mosquito. The best approach to do this is by using organic cleaning solutions and organic pest control. Contact us today to learn more about our deep cleaning with organic pest control to start protecting your home and office immediately.





Post Construction Cleaning

Post Construction Cleaning

Do you need a post construction cleaning? Why do you need such cleaning? 

After a rigid renovation or construction in your unit, the dusts has settled on far to reach areas and it could cause allergic reactions to your and your family. Of course, you would want to enjoy your new space in a clean and relaxing manner. Normal clean up will not do as these type of cleaning requires industry grade cleaning solutions, sanitizing agents and as well as rigid equipment to work with.

Need something cleaned?

Hiring a professional cleaning service will solve this problem for you. It might not be as cheap as you would think because apart from the materials and labor you’re paying for, you are paying for the skills of experience post construction clean up crew.

Otherwise, your daily household help could clean it up for you.

How long does a post construction cleaning usually take?

It depends on how big the floor area is and of course the dirt accumulation. Take into consideration as well the number of furniture or fixtures that needed to be cleaned and sanitized. For a 150sqm semi-furnished home it could be from 10-12 hours but then again, this would depend on the degree of dirt and the number of post construction debris that need to be taken cared of.

For a more efficient and effective cleaning process, home owners and unit owners are advised to schedule post construction cleaning when construction is 100% done.


How many people are there in a team of post construction clean up? 

There will be enough people to cover the floor area so that the cleaning process would be efficient, effective and beyond satisfactory.

How much does post construction cleaning service cost?

It usually depends on how big or small your floor area is but it would range from P5,000 to as high as P20,000 depending on your unit/home situation.

Post Construction Projects

Post Construction Projects

Entire Building Post Construction

Entire Building Post Construction

Detailed Post Construction Clean Up

Detailed Post Construction Clean Up

Condo Unit Post Construction Clean Up

Condo Unit Post Construction Clean Up

Post Construction Cleaning

Home Cleaning and Feng Shui Tips – Decluttering Your Home in The Year of the Monkey

Home Cleaning and Feng Shui Tips – Decluttering Your Home in The Year of the Monkey

Like in every New Year, out with the old, in with the new, for prosperity. If you have missed making a general cleaning last new year (before January 01, 2016), it’s never too late, you still have the Chinese New Year on February 8. Cleaning a home is no easy job, even if we have helpers. It is so hard to achieve that perfect clean, and we’re not just talking about sanitation here, but also arranging your home to promote health and harmony. After all, this is where you and your family gather together. We must always try our best to make it a source of health, wealth and prosperity to every person living in it.

Need something cleaned?

Cleaning is a process of removing anything unwanted in a space. Home Feng Shui is also a process of re-arranging (or redesigning, if necessary) your home to ensure that the right energy flows accordingly in your house. In order to these, you must do some preparation first:


Choose the best time you think you can accomplish this without any interruption. This will depend on your schedule, and the duration may vary depending on how big or small your house is. It doesn’t have to fell like going to a battle; you can always contact us to schedule a home cleaning service in your place.

Prepare the materials

To avoid interruptions, have all the materials ready on the day of cleaning. These would include a broom (or a vacuum), dust pan, mops, wash clothes, liquid disinfectants, and other sanitizing solutions.

Determine what must stay and what must go

As you move along your home, make a mental (or written) note of what items should stay (and just needs re-arranging), or what should be in the garbage bin already. As a regular Feng Shui note, anything that is already broken either carries negative energy or doesn’t help in promoting good energy at all. Also, anything older than 6 months that are not being used anymore, other than antiques, ceramics, statues or figurines, should be disposed off already.

As soon as you have all these prepared, it’s now time to clean your home.


Tip #1: Setup a cleaning altar, or a mini central command post in your house

This is where all the magic cleaning begins. The basics of a Feng Shui space cleaning altar are wood and fire elements. This would mean a simple wooden table and a candle or incense (scented) on top, and then you can put all your cleaning materials under it. Every time you need anything, you can go back to it and it will make sure that anything you need will be there, including something to calm you from possible stress and frustrations in cleaning.

Tip #2: Be sure you are calm and clear about the ordeal

Any tedious task can be stressful, and starting in a less than light mood would make the whole process unsuccessful. Start early, eat well before going about cleaning your place, put up some music that will energize you.

Tip #3: Start from the door or the balcony and then your windows

This will ensure that the entrance to your home, be it for a person or energy would enter harmoniously and provide circulation of energy. These entrances are most of time neglected because they think the areas inside are more important, and the notion that the doors and windows are always exposed to the elements. Cleaning them will not only make your home feel more inviting, but it will also help you find a better perspective on life.

Tip #4: Move and rearrange

When cleaning any part of the room, make sure to move objects like refrigerators, moving cabinets, beds, gas ranges and the likes and clean everything underneath them. Dust and accumulated dirt in these areas are stagnant, which means energy does not flow through them. These might be some areas that are stuck in your life, so cleaning them would really help. Rearranging some of these object might give a better flow of Chi in your place, like a cabinet slightly blocking the door, or a stove being too close to the refrigerator that might be a fire hazard. This cleaning session might be an opportunity for improvement as well. If certain areas in your house looks bare, place small potted plants to make those areas more vibrant and refresh the energy of those places. Green plants are the best as it symbolizes the energy of new beginnings – perfect for the new year!

Tip #5: Think Zen!

The whole purpose of this is to make things relaxing for you from that point forward. Think zen and be inspired of the endless possibilities you and your home could achieve. But if the thought of cleaning your home is stressful enough, you could always get someone to clean them for you.


Feng Shui and Home cleaning is an art and a process. If you want more Feng Shui advice, get in touch with a friend who practices it or knows someone trusted to recommend. For home cleaning, you can always trust CMDA Condo & Office Cleaning Services, a trusted name in home and condo cleaning for years.





Stop Virus and Bacteria From Spreading in Your Classroom

Stop Virus and Bacteria From Spreading in Your Classroom

How many times have we responded on frantic calls of teachers and school owners to disinfect their classrooms as 4-5 students had pink eye or sore eyes? Too many to count and too many to be taking it sitting down.

It’s not just the pink eye, there’s also hand-foot-mouth disease.

Need something cleaned?


If your child has the pink eye, don’t let him or her go to school anymore. Virus spread like wildfire and for kids it’s even worst. Instead, manage your child’s viral infection at home and keep the child well rested.

Now, if you’re one of the parents who’s had their child infected from a classmate…. it’s time for a clean up.


Not just a clean up but one that will kill virus and bacteria.

We are offering a thorough clean up of classrooms using medical grade sterilization and disinfectant solution. This process is effective and has as excellent tuberculocidal and high-level disinfection capabilities.